
Looking back on the 40-year history of beverages in China, there is always a taste of your childhood

2018-12-20 09:57:18 253
Looking back on the 40-year history of Chinese beverage development, there is always a taste of your childhood memory. For memory, the taste is often the most beautiful. The beverage you drank in childhood is still enjoyable in retrospect.Today is the June 1 children's day. Qingshan capital has compiled a brief history of China's beverage development in the past 40 years, and it can be a holiday pastime. By the way, can you find the smell in your memory?The First Stage: The Opening Age of Chinese Taste BudPepsi Cola opened its first factory in ChinaIn 1981, Coca-Cola officially launched its first production line in China, mainly supplying tourist hotels, selling to foreigners to collect foreign exchange, and Pepsi Cola established its first canning plant in Shenzhen.In 1982, the state incorporated beverages into the "national plan management products", and Coca-Cola began to sell in Beijing market.

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